Gov. Rick Perry wants to kill Obamacare dead, but Texas health officials are in talks with the Obama administration about accepting an estimated $100 million available through the health law to care for the elderly and disabled, POLITICO has learned.
Perry health aides are negotiating with the Obama administration on the terms of an optional Obamacare program that would allow Texas to claim stepped-up Medicaid funding for the care of people with disabilities.
when you engage in segregational politics and dance on what they perceive to be the grave of ObamaCares they need to check those who can check you before you wreck them, republican arrogance does not allow for that safety check and you end up with the scarlet S on your forehead STUPID.
The so-called Community First Choice program aims to enhance the quality of services available to the disabled and elderly in their homes or communities. Similar approaches have had bipartisan support around the country. About 12,000 Texans are expected to benefit in the first year of the program.One line of thinking as to why the Texas governor, who has honed his national image in no small measure by denouncing Obamacare, would make such a seemingly inconsistent move goes like this: Treating disabled and elderly people is less politically charged than a sweeping national law forcing people to buy health insurance. Perry recently decided against seeking reelection next year but is mulling a second presidential bid in 2016,
but does't to the rational mind that appears to be tantamount to "a little pregnant", "in for a penny in for a pound", "what you see is what you get", and it sure looks like Texas embracing ObamaCares, hypocritic reality?