they have no respect for themselves they are admitting by default they have no plan to replace or proceed, this is another golden oldie for the republicans, at least polish it up a little.
WASHINGTON -- Seemingly conceding that shutting down the government in order to defund the president's health care law would be a dangerous political gamble, House Republican leadership is now looking at the idea of using the debt ceiling as a pressure point instead.
On Wednesday evening, Reuters quoted an aide to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) as saying that the need to raise the nation's debt ceiling was a "good leverage point" to force action on Obamacare.But what type of action, exactly, would Republicans pursue? A Cantor aide told The Huffington Post that there are talks about using the debt ceiling to push for postponements or structural changes to the law, but not getting rid of the law entirely.
Holy last year bat crap crazies, that failed so wonderfully you must try it again and get our rating lower then yours.
"Not repeal," said the aide, when asked what was in the cards. "One of many things we can pursue on debt limit [is] potentially the individual mandate delay and codifying the business mandate delay. And perhaps other aspects."The thinking among GOP leadership is that the Obama administration opened the door to a discussion about altering the health care law when it chose to delay the employer mandate, which requires businesses with over 50 full-time employees to provide health insurance, for a year. And since Republicans were always going to pursue their legislative priorities in exchange for raising the debt ceiling, reforming Obamacare can now be part of that conversation, along with spending cuts and entitlement and tax reform.The Cantor aide cautioned that the idea is still in the "discussion phase." Nevertheless, shifting the focus of the impending standoff from a government shutdown to the debt ceiling has raised the stakes.
with all that's at stake they are still dragging around their old musty playbook with loser plays that they haven't even tried to improve, just throw it back out there, that shows you their real intent block and obstruct the bill still with a eye toward ruining the Pres. signature achievement, which puts "we the people" in their jackpot. remedy Nov. 6th 2014 otc availability.