Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) on Monday said that it was a “scary thought” that elites could be culling the population with vaccines to preserve the Earth’s resources.
Gohmert pointed out that some liberals believed that the Earth was already over populated.
“A lot of people who fancy themselves elites, right, because they’ve made a lot of money, they’re names are all over the media and so forth, they’ve really signed on to an agenda that requires the depopulation of the globe,” Keyes explained. “And in the name of fighting global climatological change, called global warming — that’s proven to be something that’s wrong — they are saying that we’ve got to cut back the population of the world.”
here we go again dragging progressives into their insanity, i've known for years about natural checks and balances, acts of God where many expire keeping over population down but this guy is suggesting they are playing God and deliberately dosing to control which population survives, like those on a lifeboat and ration or kill is the order of the day, and the strong survive. are we heading toward a world like "thunderdome" with the elite calling the shots.
Keyes warned that elites had a plan to reduce the number of people in the world to 700 million “by culling the population.”
“They’re preaching that doctrine because they actually believe we’re a blight on the face of the planet, we human beings,” Keyes said. “And we should, therefore, be put on a path toward our own semi-extinction. I often try to get people to see that if you think about it, if we actually get back to the levels they’re talking about, it would just be these elitists and the people needed to service them. That’s all that will be left in the world.”
who is he referring to the right wing elites that would fit their mindset and their God complex. no he's talking about progressives and again the do the dirt than they try and kick it on our shoes. everyday they become more and more extreme, pretty soon the way they are going the hunter will get captured by the game.