The wife of George Zimmerman, the Florida man acquitted in the death of Trayvon Martin, pleaded guilty today to perjury chargesand apologized for her lie saying "the truth will set you free."
The plea deal allows Shellie Zimmerman to avoid a felony charge.George Zimmerman was not present during today's proceedings asJudge Marlene Alva asked Shellie Zimmerman if she understood what she was pleading to.
guess he had to make appearances elsewhere, is he pursuing a career?
"Yes, your honor," she responded as Alva asked her several questions about the agreement.Under the negotiated plea deal Shellie Zimmerman can continue pursuing her nursing aspirations because she will not be a convicted felon. She was given 100 hours of community service, one year probation and will have to present an apology letter to the judge she lied to.
life is good in Sanford Fla. if you are a murderous, and larceny hearted Zimmerman. innocence gets buried and the guilty go free to pursue a career and the perpetrator rides around lookin' for autograph hounds, (that's me did not read that anywhere).
In her letter to Judge Kenneth Lester, who was presiding when she committed her perjury, Shellie Zimmerman wrote, "By lying under oath, I let my God down, I let your Honor and the court down, ... and most of all I let myself down.""I am a Christian and I know the words of the Bible, espcially those of Jesus in the Gospel of John 8:32. I am sorry that I had forgotten this passage and forevermore I promise to remember, 'The truth will set you free.'"Shellie faced perjury charges after she was accused of lying about her and George Zimmerman's finances during his April 2012 bond hearing.When asked by prosecutors and Zimmerman's attorneys about their finances, she said they were virtually indigent. However, Zimmerman had raised nearly $200,000 in funds through an online defense fund. Taped jail house recordings later surfaced showing Shellie and George speaking in code about their finances. Those conversations led to Zimmerman's bail being revoked and then bail raised to a $1 million bond.On April 9, 2012 George Zimmerman launched the website and within weeks received more than $200,000 in donations to help pay for his mounting legal fees. But during his bond hearing Zimmerman's wife testified that the couple was nearly broke.
for someone who admits to being conscious of all the laws man made and spiritual, money won.