NEW YORK (AP) — Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly is apologizing for incorrectly claiming that no Republicans were invited to participate in ceremonies marking the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for civil rights.
In his on-air apology Thursday, O’Reilly said it was a reminder to check the facts before making a definitive statement. He had made the claim on Wednesday’s show, the day of the Washington ceremony.In fact, Republican House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor were invited but did not attend. Former President George W. Bush sent a statement.O’Reilly said the mistake was on him — that he just assumed no Republicans were invited.But O’Reilly said the Republicans made a mistake, too. He said they should have been there.
assuming makes an ass out of you and me, reconize O'reilly, pointing out another's failure when it's yours at topic does not lessen the guilt.
not a lot of credit for admission he does this kinda thing all the time but this time he got called on it. don't expect him to research any what he might consider juicy or not provable as to his "assumptions" it's Fox.
he should check his archives and a progressive too and correct all his other intentional misinformation.