Tuesday, August 27, 2013

As gay couples line up to marry in New Mexico, Republicans vow to fight equality


ruling by New Mexico Judge Alan Malcott Monday spurred more than 100 same-sex couples to sign up for marriage licenses in Albuquerque Tuesday morning at the Bernalillo County Clerk's office:
The clerk opened her office to the crowd at 8 a.m., and a mass wedding was planned at noon in Albuquerque’s Civic Plaza.
Patricia Catlett, a 61-year-old graphic designer from Albuquerque, and her partner of 25 years, Karen Schmiege, a 69-year-old retired librarian, were the first to get their license in Bernalillo County.
“I am so excited I can’t stand it,” Schmiege said as they were signing their papers.
The ruling followed on the heels of another judge's similar ruling in Santa Fe County Thursday and a move by Doña Ana County Clerk to process licenses for same-sex marriages earlier last week. But Malott's ruling was viewed as broader than the previous moves because he outright called a ban on marriage equality illegal. 
According to the Albuquerque Journal, that move was unexpected by the ACLU, which had filed suit asking that the state recognize, on her death certificate, a dying woman’s marriage Friday in Santa Fe to her longtime partner.
there should be no opposition to this it's merely Americans exercising their as of now right to live their life as they choose kinda like that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness that use to buzz around rights issues.  
every law that this Pres. has been able to get pass the republican blockade that has to do with rights the basic tenet of the country the same rights the right wing keeps throwing around pertaining to "THEIR" rights, but deny other Americans the same privilege, so how can you defend it for yourself and deny it for others WHAT THE FUSS?
Republicans aren't happy. State Sen. Bill Sharer said Thursday that he would join with other party members and file suit with the New Mexico Supreme Court. On Monday:
Sharer said district judges and county clerks have overstepped their bounds by issuing the licenses. He said the whole process is frustrating to watch.
“Does the legislature with the consent of the governor make the law or is this now the wild, wild, wild, west where each judge makes his or her own law?" asked Sharer. [...]
“It is inexplicable how a district court just today discovered a new definition of marriage in our laws, when our marriage law has not been changed in over a century,” Sharer said.
our laws, seems like they think they are exclusive to them and no one else, when you speak of America and you say our it's suppose to mean all Americans.  like i said give them the floor and they will talk themselves right out of their rant into their true intent and ideology. seperatist and radical bigots