Rush Limbaugh says Fox News did not want him to talk about the state of the Republican Party on the network and he called the move “quite telling.”“They asked me, what do you want to talk about, I didn’t want to talk about Egypt - first thing out of my mouth, I want to talk about immigration and the state of the Republican party. Wouldn’t go there. I had to bring it up myself to whatever extent I did. And that, by the way, is quite telling to me,” Limbaugh said on his radio show.
Earlier Tuesday, Limbaugh had called into “Fox & Friends” and was at first discussing the protests in Egypt before switching subjects to Obamacare and how Republicans could lose the House in the 2014 midterms unless they change focus.
i guess when you are losing your former self to yourself you go after whatever can bring you some attention. btw did somebody on the right wing flip him off cause thats a stinging point for fox to admit the party failures as failures and not something the Pres. did.
“I told the people at Fox I wanted to talk about this today, three or four times, and they wouldn’t do it. They were not interested in bringing this subject up,” Limbaugh said on his radio show. “I wanted to talk about this in relationship to the current state of the Republican party. And they wouldn’t do it.”On “Fox & Friends,” Limbaugh managed to say, “The Republicans are sitting around twiddling their thumbs worried about immigration and whether the Hispanics like them, and they’re being stumped on issue after issue after issue like this.”
if he were to tell the truth as to the status of the party on the one outlet they have to report the spin they put on it, the base would hear what's really going on and expose the shamming they have put on them, and then the might have different sights in the crosshairs, they made 'em they played "em now can they keep that suport from fading?