Conservative radio host Rush Limbaughdeclared on Wednesday that the media’s coverage of the trial of George Zimmermanfor the 2012 murder of Trayvon Martin is designed to instigate race riots in the event the defendant is acquitted.
He expressed his disappointment over the state of race relations in America, noting that the election of President Barack Obama was supposed to move the nation close to racial harmony.“I have been so dumb,” Limbaugh began. “I’ve been so gullible and just too trusting.”
well one out of three is still half ass he is dumb and gullible, if he thinks we believe anything other than the words comin' out of his mouth on a daily basis, trusting of what i've never heard him use any of those terms, have you?
by "admitting" these faults isn't he telling his base that they are fools because his dumbness and gullibility has been misleading them for years, "IT'S ALL BEEN A LIE", like Beck who told his followers
Beck: 'If you take what I say as gospel, you're an idiot.
and yet like Limbaugh they still come around begging the question who's really dumb them or their flocks?
and yet like Limbaugh they still come around begging the question who's really dumb them or their flocks?
“I really thought that one of the reasons that we elected and then reelected Barack Obama was so that there would not be any more race riots,” he continued. “I thought the election of the first black president would end racial strife, and so did millions of Americans who voted for Obama on that basis.”“Now we actually have media people agitating for race riots in regard to the George Zimmerman trial because the prosecution in this trial is imploding,” Limbaugh declared. “We have a media that is totally invested in Zimmerman being found guilty and handing and then electrocuted and then drowned and then shot and then cremated for whatever happened to Trayvon Martin.”“Such high hopes,” he concluded. ”I really thought it was going to be the end to all this.”
well he did his best along with the rest of the right wing to sink the Pres., and are still planning mostly because none of the others worked. he at every opportunity as the rest take the advantage to smear him and his bills they refused to even take a vote on, why afraid the vote won't reflect their efforts. or they know he's Pres. is correct and they can only take so many kicks in the butt by this Black man in "their" WH, which "we the people" being "we the landlords" of that building evicted them.
i million years from now even if the one every God forbid election they will still never regain face because of Pres. the changer.