Sunday, July 14, 2013

King: Obama made Zimmerman case

George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer who shot Trayvon Martin, should have never been prosecuted, Rep. Steve King said Sunday.
"The evidence didn't support prosecution, and the Justice Department engaged in this. The president engaged in this and turned it into a political issue that should have been handled exclusively with law and order," the Iowa Republican said on "Fox News Sunday."
A month following the shooting, Obama weighed in saying that "if I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon."
so now those 9 words caused the killing of a Black unarmed innocent 17 year old because Pres. politicized it?  i woke up this morning to a caravan of ants in my kitchen wonder if some way Pres. can be blamed for that, yes it's true but it points out the absurdity of the right wing seizing any and all things and trying to hang them around his neck.
from the time he opened his mouth to the 911 operator the evidence certainly supported his bigotry and decision to go after the one that in his mind "was not going to get away".
King also said that the case, which sparked a debate on race relations in America, had been "turned into a race issue by the media."
denying it doesn't make it not real it has from the time the first slave hit these shores, the first Mexican crossed the border, the first Cuban set foot in Fla. and the first time Europeans landed at Ellis Island, been an issue