Gay couples who fill out the Indiana application for a marriage license could find themselves facing felony charges.
no wonder they are crazy they are losing their status as the Hispanics and Blacks pass them by as the new majority. if they had common sense they would realize that alienating every other group they are going to not only be the minority but all by themselves, worrying if we will do to them what they've done to us since the beginning.
Indiana marriage license applications, which can be filed electronically in most of the state, contain a section for the “male applicant” and another for the “female applicant,” which means that sooner or later a gay couple will likely run afoul of the law because one partner will have to enter his/her information under the section for the wrong gender.A 1997 state law makes it a “Class D” felony to submit a marriage license application that contains false information about one or both of the applicants. Currently Class D felonies carry a penalty of from six months to three years in prison and up to a $10,000 fine. Indiana has recently revamped its criminal code, and starting in 2014 the penalty under this law becomes a “Level 6″ felony, which will reduce the maximum jail sentence to 18 months. The maximum fine will remain at $10,000.
Even though Indiana does not permit same-sex marriage or civil unions this law is problematic for gay couples because the penalty can be enforced even if the application is denied. So two people who may be confused about what the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on DOMA means or who are simply unaware that Indiana prohibits same-sex unions could unwittingly violate the law.This also means that participants in some protests against gay marriage prohibitions will be subject to arrest. One such protest is the “We Do” campaign that has been organized by the Campaign For Southern Equality. The We Do campaign encourages same-sex couples to apply for marriage licenses in states that prohibit same-sex marriages as a way to call public attention to the issue.
bringing it to the attention is already being done especially the last 4 1/2 years, this is pure bigotry. i believe they will become the victims of their persecution, the impending minority status around the bend will erase decades of suppression for so many groups of Americans and the ex-majority will feel the depressive daily lives of being put on the bottom by those no better and actually worse than those who don't engage in hate and discrimination. and falsely claim American valiues.