Republicans are turning up the heat on President Obama's proposals to fight climate change, with vigorous attacks on Democrats running for office in key coal-producing states.
A central part of Obama's new energy initiative, announced last week, is proposed limits on emissions from coal-fired power plants and shifting the nation away from the use of coal to natural gas and other sources of energy that generate fewer carbon emissions. This has prompted GOP leaders to portray Obama as waging a "war on coal."
right wing tenet, money before health. i can see the people of coal towns fighting with the right wing it's their bread and butter.
what they need is a comprehensive effort by all of the gov't to create a transition away from fossil fuels that damage not only the ozone but those who work around it, i think they call it black lung disease.
the right wing has attempted to demonize green energy efforts because their money is embedded in oil and coal and gas, not because it's bad, they like to point to Solyndra all business ventures don't make it, they know that from the deception business they are in none of it worked long term. their plan keep it toxic.
The Republicans are trying to tie Democrats to Obama in states where many jobs are linked to the coal industry, such as Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, and states where conservative voters might be motivated to turn out at the polls because of excessive Democratic intervention in the economy. Republicans also say the Obama proposals would increase electricity you really believe as the right wing would have you, that every single thing the Pres. propose is an abomination, the worst thing ever, will bankrupt America?
well what will bankrupt America is Issa's Inquisitions, them blocking your jobs those that we have gotten came from this admin, not the phantom jobs promised in 2010, that you and republicans are still looking for. maybe they are with the WMD's. how much longer are we going to allow this disease in our country, extermination date Nov. 4th 2014