Saturday, July 13, 2013

2016 poll: Hillary Clinton takes Chris Christie

Article PhotoHillary Clinton is leading both Chris Christie and Rand Paul in a potential 2016 presidential race, a new poll finds.
Clinton holds a 46 percent to 40 percent lead over the New Jersey governor, according to the Quinnipiac poll out Friday.
The former secretary of state also would beat the Kentucky senator in a head-to-head, the poll found. Clinton led Paul 50 percent to 38 percent.
Vice President Joe Biden, another Democrat rumored to be in the mix for 2016, didn’t fare as well. Biden was trailing Christie 35 percent to 46 percent and was in a dead heat with Paul at 42 percent.
i think we should stop hyping up something she has not conceded to as of yet. we are just creating a scenario that reality might not live up to.
she looks tired she's getting older she really may not want the stress and strife that is sure to come from the republicans in fact they are already running attack ads.
Christie was viewed 45 percent favorably to 18 percent unfavorably, and Paul was viewed 31 percent favorably to 28 percent not. Christie, however, was the only candidate that was viewed more favorably than not by members of the opposite party. Forty-one percent of Democrats surveyed viewed him favorably and 19 percent did not.
we need to recognize we are a fickle electorate and i believe most vote on notion as opposed to who is best and will work for "we the people" i don't think a republican can enter the race without the dirt of his party recent years and be taken even by their base as looking out for them.
 for the right wing no longer SSDD now it's DSDD.  and i hope they don't wake to that reality they've ignored every other game plan except the ones they've known the last 4 1/2 years, to difficult to wind up the machine and change all those minds the concentrated on to go in a different direction it also would involve revealing the truth if not by saying it by mysterious disappearance and omission from the "NEO RHETORIC": with the same "VALUES"