Monday, June 24, 2013

Vladimir Putin aide: 'Unaware' of Edward Snowden trip

Article PhotoThe Russian government isn’t looking to get involved on the issue of NSA leaker Edward Snowden, a new report says.
“It is not a question for us,” Dmitry Peskov, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman, told The Wall Street Journal. “We don’t know what his plans are and we were unaware he was coming here.”
i make mistakes but tell me hasn't Snowdens move from Hong Kong to Russia been in the news all week, so if i'm remembering correctly they just shot us a blank that they didn't know he was coming, they probably had a unpublished parade for the traitor.
Snowden on Sunday arrived in Moscow from Hong Kong, where he had camped out as his national security leaks went public over the last several weeks. He is expected to travel to South America, by way of Cuba, though his exact final destination is not immediately known.
On Sunday, Ecuador’s foreign minister told the Associated Press that Snowden was seeking asylum there. The United States had hoped that Snowden could have been turned over to law enforcement while in Hong Kong, and has signaled an expectation that other countries, including Russia, be helpful in returning him to America.
it's disheartening to see how the countries so far involved decline to do anything are they inteested in what information they can potentially get from him? my first guess yes, this is what to expect when you claim the biggest baddest country in the world, first opportunity to catch you with your pants down the take advantage.
we now have to ask how much info was he able to poach above his paygrade, and are the agencies involved redoing their security protocols as well as their MO.  the ld saying "one monkey don't stop the show" needs a rethink it's 21st century