The National Security Agency appears to be collecting the telephone records of tens of millions of American customers of Verizon, one of the nation’s largest phone companies, under a top-secret court order issued in April.The order appears to require a Verizon subsidiary to provide the NSA with daily information on all telephone calls by its customers within the United States and from foreign locations into the United States.
i remember when Bush had the warrantless tapping, there was some shouting but not like now again are things different for a different kind of Pres.?
people want to be protected but are squeamish at the limits that have to be gone to in order to achieve that safety. price of freedom getting too high, have we by complacency and false sense of security mosty in this decade promoted by the right wing, allowed things to happen some unbeknownst to us others in our face.
should we be complaining some make it bad for others, at what price freedom?
The order, which was signed by a judge from the secret court that oversees domestic surveillance, was first reported on the Web site of the Guardian newspaper. The Web site reproduced a copy of the order, which two former U.S. officials told The Washington Post appears to be authentic.A senior Obama administration official said Thursday that the purported order “does not allow the government to listen in on anyone’s telephone calls” but relates only to “metadata, such as a telephone number or the length of a call.” The official said such information “has been a critical tool in protecting the nation from terrorist threats to the United States.”
same thing we heard Bush say on his warrant less wire tapping. so once again at what price freedom, and is the price to steep and are we actually safer because of it? that's hard to answer when we only hear about them when thwarted or God forbid executed.