and he's damn proud of it, they claim the right to life or a fetus, but once you part those floodgates you are a target especially in Texas.
“For there to be equivalence, the death penalty would have to punish a criminal who had warned his victim of the date at which he would inflict a horrible death on him and who, from that moment onwards, had confined him at his mercy for months. Such a monster is not encountered in private life.”
–Albert CamusKimberly McCarthy became the 500th individual to be executed in the state of Texas since the Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976. McCarthy is an African-American woman who was convicted for the murder of Dorothy Booth by a jury of 12, all were white except one. Her attorney appealed to the Texas court of Criminal Appeals claiming that 3 African-Americans were improperly denied from serving on the jury. The court denied the request without consideration stating that the claim should have been made earlier.Since the Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976, Texas has executed 500 of the 1,337 individuals in the United States. This staggering amount accounts for 40 percent of the executions in the United States since 1976. Currently in Texas there are 300 inmates on death row; 121 are black, 88 are Latino and 87 are white.Former Governor George W. Bush executed 152 individuals during his brief stint in office from 1995 to 2000. It has been reported that he signed death warrants for prisoners within minutes of reviewing a brief synopsis of their case.
now that's the Texas way, or maybe this is more fitting
The most prevalent argument for advocates of the death penalty is that the punishment deters crimes. In fact, that is not the case. States that don’t have the death penalty have had consistently lower murder rates than states that continue on with the practice. This proves that the deterrence argument is irrelevant.“Pro-Life” Governor Rick Perry has surmounted Bush’s total by executing 263 individuals. He has executed more individuals than any governor in modern U.S history. One of his executions included Napolean Beazley, who committed his crime when he was a minor. Perry also presided over the execution of Marvin Wilson who had an IQ of 61. Wilson showed clear signs of intellectual disability, his IQ places him below the 1st percentile of functioning and possessed the mental capacity of a six-year-old.
There is also a racial component to the death penalty which is difficult to ignore. Depending on when, where and who the victim is has a large impact on whether an individual will be placed on death row.For example, those who kill white people are 3 times as likely to die as murders committed against African-Americans. Those who kill non-Latino whites are over four times more likely to be sentenced to die as those who kill Latinos. The statistical evidence in the Baldus study outlining the rampant racial discrimination when sentencing individuals to capital punishment failed to persuade the Supreme Court in 1987. According to the ACLU the McCleskey V Kemp decision stated
is this the reason why they are so gungho on abortion they want to keep the jails full of potential death penalty "winners"?