Monday, June 24, 2013

Ten Reasons Supporters of “Republican Rebranding” Could Meet In a Phone Booth
A lot of political observers seem to be perpetually baffled that the Republican Party’s palpable need for “rebranding” after two straight presidential losses and under the shadow of adverse demographic trends isn’t being implemented immediately by united support for immigration reform and silence on divisive cultural issues like abortion. So let me spell it out for them simply:
The universe of avid Republican move-to-the-center-rebranders needs to be reduced by taking out the following subsets:
1. Those who deny any need for “rebranding,” on grounds that Obama stole the 2008 and 2012 elections, or that he is only now being “vetted,” or that voters are only now awakening to the horror of his and his party’s policies and intentions.
2. Those who think “rebranding” is just a matter of better technology or campaign tactics or communications wizardry—i.e., things that don’t involve policy or ideology.
3. Those who think the demographic ghetto in which Republicans reside can be breached strictly by “outreach”—showing some interest in younger or minority or women voters without actually changing policies, positions or priorities.
did those they paid to tell them how to be human beat them for that money or did they just give them ok to keep on keepin' on?
the inherent need to dominate and control is either more important than truth, or so powerful they all collectively can block it out of their heads, i'm going with the former.