Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Supreme Court strikes down DOMA, declines to rule on Prop. 8

The Supreme Court Wednesday struck down the Defense of Marriage Act, the ban on federal benefits for same-sex married couples, on a 5-4 vote. Justice Anthony Kennedy, writing for himself and the court’s liberals, finds that the 1996 law is unconstitutional.
Article PhotoBut in a 5-4 decision that crossed ideological lines, the Supreme Court Wednesday declined to rule on the merits of Proposition 8, California’s voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage.
why are they making all these half butt rulings and declining others are hey not the one's that suppose to interpret the law and not "send it back to the states"?
“DOMA undermines both the public and private significance of state-sanctioned same-sex marriages; for it tells those couples, and all the world, that their otherwise valid marriages are unworthy of federal recognition,” Kennedy added.
when you do the right thing should it not be all inclusive of that thing and not just "you over there and you down there"?  that's like being a little bit for it except to many others get to decide your lifestyle and it's future.
Kennedy;   He said that the law "instructs all federal officials, and indeed all persons with whom same-sex couples interact, including their own children, that their marriage is less worthy than the marriages of others."
"The federal statute is invalid, for no legitimate purpose overcomes the purpose and effect to disparage and to injure those whom that State, by its marriage laws, sought to protect in personhood and dignity. By seeking to displace this protection and treating those person as living in marriages less respected than others, the federal statute is in violation of the Fifth Amendment."
that is no more than the same game with a differnt name, "separate but not equal"