Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Study Shows Paid Sick Days Help Contain Deadly Diseases Like Flu


One of the supposedly central tenets of Republican ideology is that local control trumps nearly everything. Education: Leave it at the local level. 
Article PhotoTransportation policy: Ditto. "Our Founding Fathers devised a system of government unique in all the world – a federation of sovereign states, with as much law and decision-making authority as possible kept at the local level," said modern conservatism's patron saint, President Ronald Reagan.
But in the last few years, a bunch of Republican states have ditched that philosophy in order to prevent cities from granting paid sick days to workers, instead favoring mandates that legally bar those cities – or any local government – from enacting the labor laws they desire. And a new study says that's a terrible idea for public health.
how many more of these examples are required before the rest of America wakes up to what is being done to them in the name of them by the republican deniers?
those of you who oppose what is it exactly do you oppose health care, fair taxes, jobs, safety regulations of water and air and food we consume, your vote gerrymandered, Obama if so then that would encompass all of the above if not do you really know if not could it be because of republican under informing, ask yourself all you hear from Pres. side is help for you not just those you think you hate, all that you hear that claims to deny those people guess what you too are those people. recognize
First, some background: The U.S. is the only developed country that doesn't require some form of paid leave that workers can use when they or their family members are sick. To make up for this gross oversight, several cities, including Washington, D.C., Seattle and San Francisco, as well as the state of Connecticut, have passed paid sick day requirements of their own. New York City is poised to become the latest to join the club.
you have heard this before "America is the riches country in the world" if that's true check your bank acct, then ask 10 of your friends to do the same if none of you carry a balance of 7 figures then that assessment is false it should say the rich are the richest in America.
you talk about our freedoms, name one that has no consequence somewhere in it's expressing by you.  you have no freedom under republican thumbs, if you can muster some objectiveness you will see where you are more likely to have freedoms without dire consequence.
have you noticed lately reports that we "the greatest country on earth", is dead last at everything that has to do with the well being of the majority of the population, education, food, health care, jobs. can't be great when you only see the promise being forfilled by those that are rich.