Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Still Grasping At ‘Conspiracy,’ Darrell Issa Refuses To Release IRS Investigation Transcripts Read more:

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this guy has rendered himself irrelevant he has been exposed and it doesn't matter if he releases the transcripts because Mr. Cummings rung the bell and said if he doesn't then he will, is this Issa's Waterloo?
The ongoing investigation regarding IRS targeting of Tea Party organizations prior to last year’s election appears to have reached a dead-end. Despite lack of any evidence that targeting was part of a larger political agenda organized by the Obama administration, Darrell Issa, House Oversight Committee Chairman, still believes there is much more information to uncover. Since the story broke, we have learned two very important facts: first, no Tea Party groups were denied their tax exempt status; second, the manager of the IRS was a self-described conservative Republican
These revelations prompted Democratic Representative Elijah Cummings to declare that the investigation should be over.
Republicans, however, have been looking to pin a conspiracy on President Obama for the past five years and on the face of the IRS scandal they appeared to have a legitimate claim: just because the manager of the IRS is a self-described conservative Republican doesn’t mean there can’t be some larger kind of political conspiracy.
you would think they learned in kindergarten square pegs don't fit in round holes.
On June 2nd, Issa appeared on “State Of The Union with Candy Crowley.” He discussed the investigation, his bias evident. Obviously the public knows this has become more of a political scandal, but, as the chairman of the investigation committee, it appears he is going to let theory suit facts rather than letting facts make theory. In addition, his attacks on Press Secretary Jay Carney have taken a personal edge, calling him Obama’s paid liar.
The whole transcript will be put out. We understand — these are in real-time. And the administration is still — their paid liar, their spokesperson, picture behind, he’s still making up things about what happens in calling this local rogue. There’s no indication — the reason the Lois Lerner tried to take the fifth is not because there is a rogue in Cincinnati, it’s because this is a problem that was coordinated in all likelihood right out of Washington headquarters and we’re getting to proving it.
it is evident that he has taken this personally and no longer is objective he is determined to make his fantasy our reality, he needs to seek professional help.