In a moment that has been years in the making, Jim DeMint was absolutely destroyed by Rachel Maddow for trying to spread his hate filled anti-same sex marriage propaganda.
Jim DeMint: He is denying dignity to the millions of Americans who for moral or religious reasons believe that gay marriage is wrong. As you just said, you’ve got 37 states where the people have decided that they want to protect marriage between a man and a woman, because they know that that’s the environment where children can thrive and succeed.I mean that’s been proven. So it’s not about the desires of adults, it’s really about the best environment for children. We’re talking all about politics, but the reason why governments at the state level at the federal level have recognized marriage between a man and woman is because it is better for our country, and it is better for children.
why do they always say millions of Americans want this or that when the millions that rejected them where more and the million plus that voted them out of the house, seem to trump their count always have been bad at math.
Rachel Maddow: Justice Kennedy addressed that issue specifically in his ruling. He says that by denying marriage rights to same-sex couples who have kids, you’re humiliating and demeaning those kids. By denying their families equal protection under the law, by the parents who are raising, them and who love them and who make their family. So we can put it in the interests of children, but I think that cuts both ways.And the ruling cuts against that argument. I mean, gay people exist. There’s nothing we can do in public policy can do to make more of us exist or less of us exist. And you guys for a generation have argued that public policy ought to essentially demean gay people as a way of expressing disapproval of the fact that we exist. But you don’t make any less of us exist.You are just arguing for more discrimination. And more discrimination doesn’t make straight people’s lives any better.
if they gave a damn about the children they would do better at educational opportunities and supplies and for the poor and working poor not cut food stamps and school food programs. and not raise college tuition to double. he needs to go back to that think tank and patch the hole in it, all the thought has leaked out.
DeMint was basing his claim that heterosexual marriage is better for children on a widelydebunked Regnerus paper that was bought and paid for with millions of dollars from anti-gay marriage groups.
that's what they do if there is no proof they make some proof, problem is now days they got this new fangled thing call computers and this thing call internet, or as they call it liberal lies about our lies.