Sunday, June 23, 2013

Progressives not as down on Obama as you'd think -

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SAN JOSE, Calif. — President Barack Obama has given progressives plenty to be angry at him for lately: The liberal wish list he laid out at his second inaugural remains just that. Then came revelations of sweeping domestic surveillance programs that triggered flashbacks to the ultimate villains of the left, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.
Yet despite all of that, Democratic activists on hand here for the largest annual gathering of progressives cut the president a surprising amount of slack. Yes, they’re unhappy about Obama embracing Bush-era snooping. And they think he hasn’t done nearly enough on climate change or other issues they had high hopes for when they helped propel Obama past Hillary Clinton in 2008.
But two dozen people interviewed by POLITICO at the Netroots Nation conference this week agreed, in broad strokes, that a broken Congress and leftover Bush-era policies deserve at least as much blame as the president. The National Security Agency controversy may be headline news — on Friday night, news broke that federal prosecutors have filed criminal charges against NSA contractor Edward Snowden for allegedly leaking classified information — but it was barely mentioned in a series of speeches kicking off the conference.
we spoke the other day here on NV about the fickle electorate i use to have a poster on the wall in my office when i was in business and able to work it said roughly, "on ah s..t can erase 1,000 attaboys".
that is off topic for Snowden, but on target for "we the voters", we turn a blind eye to all this Pres. has done with virtually no help from the republicans and most of the progressives. 
we know he is not the last word on pretty much anything that falls on congress even with a 10% approval rating we still find time to beat up on the Pres. sighting what he isn't or hasn't done problem is we don't include the full cast of characters.
“Everything that Obama’s going through, Bush started,” said Democracy for America Chairman Jim Dean. “So we’re not trying to parse between whose fault it is or who gets the blame or who the hero is.”
The progressive movement has had a complicated relationship with Obama since he took office: it backed him wholeheartedly in the 2008 election but has consistently criticized what they see as Obama’s too-conciliatory approach.
Progressives have struggled to figure out whether Obama is the liberal icon they supported in 2008 or a centrist deal-maker all too willing to make concessions to the GOP. Some conservatives like to call Obama as a socialist; progressives wish he was a lot farther to the left.
Lily Ledbetter, healthcare, VAWA, jobs act, wars ended, and on and on, they may be the party of stupid but we are the base that's stupid, we let the airwaves control our assertions, this is a right wing plan we have been falling into with their base some of us survive some of us convert.
wake up everybody!