this isn't the same as Bush's claim "i don't know where he (Bin Laden) is frankly i don't think much about him" he was responsible for thousands of American deaths, Snowden stole some files which have yet to be as devastating.
President Obama said he should not have to speak personally with the leaders of Russia and China regarding self-professed NSA leaker Edward Snowden, and said he was “not going to be scrambling jets to get a 29-year-old hacker” during a press conference in Senegal on Thursday.
The president was on the first leg of a trip to Africa when he struck the seemingly dismissive tone regarding the former defense contractor who claimed to have leaked details of two top-secret government data-gathering programs before initiating an international manhunt that has grown to involve the governments of China, Ecuador, and Russia.
prepare yourself for the anti American right wing to start up their rumor mill as tothe things Pres. is not doing that they don't know if he is or not SSDD.
Obama said that the revelations first published in British newspaper The Guardian and The Washington Post – and the ensuing search for Snowden, who has been charged with theft of government property and two offenses of espionage statutes – have the makings of a big-screen spy caper, but that he would not engage in “wheeling and dealing and trading and a whole host of other issues, simply to get a guy extradited so he can face the justice system here in the United States.”
Snowden, 30, is believed to still be hiding at a Moscow airport awaiting a ruling on his request for asylum from the government of Ecuador. Snowden flew to Russia from Hong Kong over the weekend but has not been seen since his arrival. Russian officials told Reuters that he remains in a transit area at Sheremetyevo airport.
i can think of a couple of reasons why Pres. is nonchalant concerning this guy, but still feel they republicans will once again interfere with international matters they have no business in the middle of, like all the other times should they stick their toes in the water next stop their mouths and their ass-umptions will again be proven groundless.
i still think that Russia and China might have gotten something, not saying so just leaves us guessing, the fact that they are letting him go from country to country would tend to indicate the info is not that devastating if so why would they share?
i still think that Russia and China might have gotten something, not saying so just leaves us guessing, the fact that they are letting him go from country to country would tend to indicate the info is not that devastating if so why would they share?