Sunday, June 9, 2013

McCain and Feinstein pledge to close Guantánamo but sidestep hunger strike

Article PhotoA cross-party delegation consisting of two leading US senators and President Barack Obama's most senior aide have reaffirmed a determination to close Guantánamo Bay following a visit to the camp.
In a joint statement late Friday, Republican senator John McCain, Dianne Feinstein, the Democratic chair of the Senate Intelligence committee, and White House chief of staff Denis McDonough said it remained in the "national interest" to shutter the centre and move inmates to other locations.
It comes amid a growing hunger strike at Guantánamo Bay now entering its fifth month. As of Saturday, 104 of the 166 people still being held at the centre were refusing food. Of those 41 were being force-fed, with four in hospital.
republicans seized upon this to hit the Pres. with when in reality he tried to keep that promise but as they have shown to be the last 4 1/2 years they couldn't let him look good by keeping yet another promise endearing him more to "we the people", obstruction by one side is not failure by the other.
The action was sparked by allegedly heavy-handed searches of cells by prison guards. Inmates and their lawyers have since complained that those taking part in the action are being victimised and forced to endure lengthy sessions of being tube-fed against their will.
There have also been allegations of humiliating body-cavity searches being used as a tool to intimidate detainees wishing to speak to their lawyers.
Authorities at the camp have denied the claim.
But in an indication of worsening conditions at the camp, recent months have seen an increase in personnel being drafted in to cope with the hunger strike. In April, a 40-strong backup medical team arrived at the camp. And earlier this week, it was announced that guard numbers were being boosted by 125 soldiers from a military police company based in Puerto Rico.
In a joint-statement following the Washington delegation's visit to the naval base in Cuba, Feinstein, McCain and McDonough said the inmates were being kept in a "safe and respectful" way.
that seems to counter the indications of mistreatment among the prisoners and their condition.
would this not be a problem had it not been for again right wing opposition and scare tactics that they were not tried and incarcerated here in the US?  IT'S WELL OVER 300, but "we the fickled people" allowed the republican bogeyman to scare us into "not in my back yard, which btw would not have been in anybodies backyard but the republicans sold it we bought it and now they blame the Pres for Gitmo. and that's the name of that tune,.