Monday, June 17, 2013

With immigration, Marco Rubio risks D.C. insider label Read more:

Article PhotoThe biggest risk for Marco Rubio in the immigration debate was supposed to be the scarlet “A” of immigration politics: the toxic talk-radio buzzword “amnesty.”
Instead, with the conservative phenom of three years ago now neck deep in the muck of immigration reform talks, Rubio’s advisers feel greater anxiety about a different label: Washington. As in, “Marco’s gone Washington.”
one thing for sure he's not gone Hispanic, the two biggest detriments to opening your mouth so much is a bug flies in or you show why your trying so hard to sell something you don't believe in  "SHILL", as for washington, too late he's been an gone and back again as a T-P Sweetie.
Nobody in the senator’s circle feels that the label has stuck, at least so far. Nor are Rubio and his team surprised at the messiness of the legislative process. The Florida Republican came to Washington to do big things, they say, and as a former state House speaker he had no illusions about what that means in practice.
and none of his voter knew the betrayal and extremes he would go to even though he's republican guess it hasn't sunk in yet no matter what smilin face you show you are still republican.
While his fellow 2016 prospects in the Senate — Rand Paul of Kentucky and Ted Cruz of Texas, for starters — are serving up crowd-pleasing speeches in Iowa and South Carolina, Rubio is spelling out his views on the Grassley, Cornyn and Leahy amendments and other proposed immigration tweaks that are utterly obscure to the larger public.
he needs to try to sneak another drink this time Jonestown juice would solve his problems and some of ours as well