Thursday, June 20, 2013

House Passes Amendment to Give Drug Tests to Food Stamp Users

The House Farm Bill, which cuts $20.5 billion over the next decade to food assistance programs, added a provision Wednesday night to keep drug users from getting food stamps.
Article PhotoThe House approved an amendment that gives states the ability to administer drug tests before someone is approved for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. The measure was approved by voice vote.
"My amendment to the Farm Bill allows states to determine the best method for administering drug screening programs for SNAP applicants," says Rep. Richard Hudson, R-N.C., who sponsored the amendment.
admittedly some recipients use drugs, as some in gov't/ congress use them too, can we start testing them every time they do nothing or go on a empty handed witch hunt or say something ignorant. 
they are receiving payment tantamount to food stamps they too are doing nothing and acting like coked out fools, whats the difference, goose does it gander too.
While Republicans in the House said the drug test simply safeguards against abuse, Democrats on the floor argued it infringes on the privacy of individuals and created unprecedented hoops for the poor to jump through.
"It rests on a premise that low income people are presumed to be wrong doers," says Ellen Vollinger, the legal director at Food Research Action Council. "It would lead to increased stigma in the program and increase the complexity and the administrative costs of the program."
have you noticed that anytime republicans are forced to deal with a bill that aids or neediest they always add a rider that takes something else away, or use stereotyping to insert vacuum cleaner into the system and suck all the lifelines out,
but they refuse andhave not even mentioned taxing rich or closing those loopholes that they were going to reveal after the election, well it's after and they are still a bunch of secret squirrels, or more likely they never intended to cut them.