Sunday, June 16, 2013

Faith And Freedom Coalition Speaker Tells Republicans: "Don't Pander To Hispanics"

Article Photo“I thought it was deplorable that Senator Kaine decided to deliver an entire speech on the Senate floor last week in Spanish,” said Carlos Curbelo, a speaker at the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference Friday and a Miami-Dade County School Board member.posted on June 14, 2013 at 1:22pm EDT
i have to give it to the republicans, they are pit bulls when it come to their "VALUES", they will soften the talk but that's just the guy who just said it, 1 min. after he says it 5 are out there decrying the message by continuing on and of late ramping up the rhetoric.
they are telling Hispanics Women, Blacks "they are sayin' it ain't so no need to ask.
do the republicans think there is some advantage to having HINO's deliver the hate message, they are just saying what has always been the "VALUES" of that party, oh maybe what they meant by changing the way they say it is those HINO's saying it in Spanish.