Bill Maher once again shows the inconsistency of conservative Republicans on an issue. This issue, however, can be life or death and life changing. While he is the wrong messenger for right-wing conservatives, who would never listen to him, he puts a message out there that others can embrace to help affect change in the minds of many.
First, here are the relevant excerpts from his “New Rules”:Besides the heroic Wendy Davis, there were two stories in the news this week dealing with teenage sex. … One story was about Plan B, that’s the morning after pill that the FDA says it’s safer than Motrin that every American can buy over the counter. … And because it is a birth control pill it will prevent abortions. …The other story was about the vaccine for HPV, which is the STD that leads to cervical cancer, and how that vaccine, since its introduction in 2006, has reduced teenage infections by 56%. All good news, right? Wrong! …Tell me why conservatives always couch their objections to the HPV vaccine in ‘parental rights,’ but never complain about other state-mandated vaccines. … Republicans actually think this vaccine encourages girls to have sex.But studies have been done on this and girls who get the HPV shot become no more sexually active than girls who do not. … One-in-three 16-year-olds in America are having intercourse. To deny them access to the vaccine or Plan B as a means of preventing them from doing it is like not giving them an umbrella so it would not rain…Plan B again is not an abortion pill. Quite the opposite. It’s a dose of hormone that prevents ovulation. … If Republicans were really pro-life, they would endorse making Plan B free to women everywhere.
say what you will about Maher and other political comedians but we get more truth out of a 5 min monologue then out of 4years from congress.
we have heard all the misinformation some believe most don't after all none of it has come true but they still push it and those few still believe it. we will get the criticizer mostly on the right wing but they after bashing go right back to the misleading so it's just a waste of good air.
There are times when it is pointless to attempt to talk to someone who is so ideologically entrenched that they refuse to accept the real science. However, it must be done. One must remember these are the same folks who claim they want government out of citizens’ business yet they want to control who you can and cannot marry; who you can and cannot sleep with, and sadly they support the death penalty for the born even as they fight for the unborn fetus.
are you guys on the right seeing it really is so you have been concentrated on.
G W Bush, "you can fool some of the people allm of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on", feeling that right wing gov't's breath all up around your neck, when you feel it tighten then will you believe?