Monday, June 17, 2013

700 Billion Dollars A Year In "Defense" Spending; Where's The Outrage?

that's easy the MIC and those who voted in favor of the expense ahhhhh, congress that's it.
It has been half a century since President Eisenhower warned the American people about the Military-Industrial Complex. However, it would appear that the American people decided not to heed that warning. 
Since this time we have seen a rise in arms dealing around the world, lead by the United States, and an ever-growing appetite for conflict lead by neoconservatives and an interventionist mindset held by both major parties.
Article PhotoSo where do we find ourselves now in regards to military spending in the United States and around the world? The United States has found itself outspending the rest of the world in defense spending by an astronomical amount. The United States spends about 700 billion dollars a year on defense to maintain a global empire. This absurd amount is more than the next 14 countries on the list combined
Military spending is big business in the United States. Since 9/11, the United States has spent 3.3 trillion dollars on private defense contracts alone. The biggest war profiteers are Boeing (23.5 billion), Lockhead Martin (22.5 billion), Raytheon (11.4 billion), General Dynamics (11.3 billion) and United Technologies (6.3 billion). 
Now like any good business the idea is to maintain profits. However, these businesses main products are weapons and other systems designed to maximize efficiency on the battlefield.
and congress has been including that congressional expense to the budget saying it's all on Pres.'s big spending rampage.
If you read these numbers and shrug it off, more power to you. However, something to think about is the perpetual state of war we have entered. We have left Iraq; have a tentative withdrawal date in Afghanistan, but what about Syria and Iran? War profiteers lobby for armed conflict. Profits are what concern these individuals who make billions off the deaths of Americans and foreigners alike. War is how these CEO’s who lobby for conflict eat.
Americans have become desensitized to war by the media, Hollywood and political elites. We hide behind brainless mantras like “protect this country”, “fight for freedom”, and “support our troops.” We are so disengaged that we don’t care about killer robots reining terror from the skies upon innocent people in far off lands. We remain ignorant to the fact that our “war on terror” can never be won.
they are more than willing to let your kid starve to death with no insurance than to let Northrup Grumman loose that next contract fore more of the stockpiles we now have rusting all over the country.  your vote is your vote but it will not just affect you. recognize