Thursday, May 30, 2013

Why Iran's Hackers Might Be Scarier Than China's

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May was a grim month for American cybersecurity. First, the Obama administration accused China ofhacking government computers, potentially to exploit weaknesses in the US military. Then, US officialsannounced that hackers, believed to be sponsored by the Iranian government, had successfully broken into computer networks that run US energy companies, giving Iran the means to sabotage power plants. 
This week, the Washington Post reported that Chinese cyberspies had hacked more than two dozen big-name US weapons programs, including the F-35 fighter jet, an army program for downing ballistic missiles, and the Navy's Littoral Combat ship. Not all cyberthreats are equal, but one question remains: Who poses the greater danger—Chinese or Iranian hackers?
for those who don't know i' a Vietnam veteran, and not anti America just anti republican but when you do to others Iran's computers running their nuclear refineries you got to expect the same possibly happening to you.
 we are not the only country that knows how to hack, we don't have the market on traitors selling info but we do tend to take that badder than thou attitude, we are writing checks that our MIC can't cash.
To date, Chinese hackers have gotten more public attention, thanks to a February 2013 New York Times investigation of a top-secret government hacking operation based in Shanghai, and high-profile attacks, originating from China, on US media outlets.
But experts point out that though China has greater capabilities for cyberwarfare and is actively stealing US military secrets, Iran's attacks could ultimately be more worrisome, because its hackers are targeting critical infrastructure and developing the ability to cause serious damage to the United States' power grid.
goose gander syndrome is universal, instead of another aircraft carrier or plane, or tank how about suring upo that part of our electronic cyber grids from hackers that well could be smarter than us, we did open the door to cyber attacking power grids and so busy trying to claim they are years away from anything we need to worry about, maybe that was true, YEARS AGO.
update; they are smarter than a 5th grader. recognize