Monday, May 13, 2013

Why Did the IRS Target Conservative Groups?

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let's keep this short and sweet, they are republican look at the legislaton they proposed after getting into ofrfice none of which benefited " we the people"
 sorry but in their case they can be judged as guilty before proving their innocence, which is an oxymoron.
Roughly speaking, what seems to have happened is that three years ago the IRS was facing an explosion of newly formed 501(c)4 groups claiming tax exempt status, 
something that's legal only for groups that are primarily engaged in promoting education or social welfare, not electioneering. So some folks in the Cincinnati office tried to come up with a quick filter to flag groups that deserved extra scrutiny. 
But what should that flag be? Well, three years ago the explosion happened to be among tea party groups, so they began searching their database "for applications with 'Tea Party,' 'Patriots,' or '9/12' in the organization's name as well as other 'political sounding' names." This was dumb, and when senior leaders found out about it, they put a quick stop to it . .
 the lopsided SCOTUS delivered to the right wing unlimited funding from anybody hell they could have gotten money from Ahmadenajad of Iran, we know the Las Vegas guy has ties to China
The problem is that the explosion of 501(c)4 groups is a genuine problem: they really have grown like kudzu, lots of them really are used primarily as electioneering vehicles, and the IRS has been either unwilling or unable to regulate them properly. So the fact that some of the folks responsible for processing these applications were looking for a way to flag potentially dubious groups is sort of understandable.
However, if I were accused of this thing, and this was my defense, I'd be looking forward to a guilty verdict from any semi-competent jury.  
i agree, there's still time DOJ.  with all that money and their record of bribing and misdirecting funds why not they just went about it wrong, who knows maybe they could not trust the grapevine fron chillin'.

For one thing, though the IRS is claiming that they told employees to knock it off in 2011, they went back and came up with an almost equally troubling set of standards in January 2012:
The IRS adopted a more generic set of standards the next month, but it changed the criteria again in January 2012, deciding to look at “political action type organizations involved in limiting/expanding Government, educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, social economic reform movement,” according to the audit documents.
i say again with they IMO opinion was right to go after the dirt it is there, they should gothe way of protcol and reinstate the investigation