Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Reporter: IRS Pressured Me After I Asked Obama Tough Questions


WASHINGTON — A Missouri reporter is wondering if the IRS came after him after he asked President Obama tough questions in a White House interview last year.
Article PhotoI don’t accept “conspiracy theories”, but I do know that almost immediately after the interview, the IRS started hammering me.
At the time, I dismissed the “co-incidence”, but now, I have concerns … after revelations about the IRS targeting various groups and their members.
Originally, the IRS apologized for red-flagging conservative groups and their members if they had “Tea Party” or “patriot” in their name.
Today, there are allegations that the IRS focused on various groups and/or individuals questioning or criticizing government spending, taxes, debt or how the government is run … any involved in limiting/expanding government, educating on the constitution and bill of rights, or social economic reform/movement.
so he kept this quiet all this time knowing the republicans were waiting for any shinny object to catch their eye. but wait it gets better. and come out with a conspiracy that he said he does't accept.
Journalistic integrity is of the utmost importance to me. My job is to ask the hard questions, because I believe viewers have a right to be well-informed. I cannot and will not promote anyone’s agenda - political or otherwise - at the expense of the reporting the truth.
What I don’t like to even consider … is that because of the Obama interview … the IRS put a target on me.
Can I prove it? At this time, no.
But it is a fact that since that April 2012 interview … the IRS has been pressuring me.
journalist that comes out but doesn't come out with his integrity with an accusation of the Pres. then says he can't prove it, now it's been over a year what kind of journalist is this surely not one to be believed.
did't Cruz and some other republican recently make allegations and in the same sentence said "they have no proof"?  so why are we reading this now because of his journalistic integrity???