so in short yes he is working with anti right wing globalist to plot against "THEIR CONSTITUTION"
because for years they have been plotting against ours.
this is your fellow patriot and his storm troopers upholding the constitution
So riddle me this: What’s the upside for Paul to put his name on e-mails like this one, which landed in my inbox this morning?
It’s one thing for no-name pols to work on the fringes. But Paul, at this point, has a lot to lose. Yet here he is, suggesting the current president of the United States is working with “anti-American globalists plot[ting] against our Constitution.” And for what?
Here’s the whole e-mail. It’s on behalf of the National Association on Gun Rights, and it leads you to this Paul-centric splash page.Dear fellow Patriot,Gun-grabbers around the globe believe they have it made.You see, only hours after re-election, Barack Obama immediately made a move for gun control…On November 7th, his administration gleefully voted at the UN for a renewed effort to pass the “Small Arms Treaty.”But after the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut — and anti-gun hysteria in the national media reaching a fever pitch — there’s no doubt President Obama and his anti-gun pals believe the timing has never been better to ram through the U.N.’s global gun control crown jewel.I don’t know about you, but watching anti-American globalists plot against our Constitution makes me sick.
if there were any real American patriots in receipt of that email they would have been shopping for new waste baskets that afternoon regurgitating in them tends to ruin the air.