A GOP proposal to split up Pennsylvania’s electoral votes proportionally, effectively ending its status as a prize swing state, could spill over into the governor’s race next year.
State Senate President Dominic Pileggi (R) introduced the electoral vote legislation in February after an unsuccessful attempt, backed by Gov. Tom Corbett (R) and state Majority Leader Mike Turzai (R), to pass similar legislation in 2011. Pileggi’s office has said the bill is a low legislative priority and Corbett has kept quiet about his position on the latest version, but Democrats have been warning for months that the Republican legislature might suddenly bring it to the floor before the next election cycle order to boost the Republican presidential candidate in 2016.GOP lawmakers would likely have to push the bill through before the 2014 election to ensure Democrats don’t recapture either chamber or the governorship and block it.
why are there not any resistance to this legal or not, it cheats the people out of a fair and honest election. people are being disenfranchised and deprived of the right for their vote to count.
those that live in gerrymandered communities are not up in arms about the rights of Americans being stripped, bet they would if it were the other way around, so where are we?
if those who live in affected in their favor areas where is your since of patriatism you wrap the flag around, doesn't mean a thing as long as your party wins, they win you lose read the laws they are imposing on you too.
Former Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA), considered one of the leading potential Democratic candidates to run against Corbett for governor in 2014, decried the legislation at a press conference Monday organized by the progressive People For The American Way."This is one more step toward harming one man, one vote," he said. "If you side with the party over the citizen, if you side with the party over the principle of one man, one vote, then side with Dominic Pileggi and his cohort, that Tammany Hall boss who said over a century ago that it doesn't matter what a citizen does with his vote — if I can count it."
republicans need to take an extended course as well asw their supporters as to what they swear to instead of what republicans tell them theyhave sworn to.
we beat this twice but they as stupid as their members are they are still improving on stripping your rights we can't say we'll do it again without doing it again, be prepared not lucky.