Sunday, May 12, 2013

Here’s What 90 Percent Of Americans Agree On: God, Country, And Sex Ed

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i take umbrage to this poll, look at the political positions on both sides and what one is trying to prevent Americans from. as far as God i see nothing on the right that is in line with what i believe in fact it's 180 degree difference.  
what is this a plant to fool people into thinking that they are changing or are the percent that voted right wing lying about what they believe or just confused with so much right wing propaganda running through their heads?
WASHINGTON (AP) — Can we agree on this? Americans still think alike much of the time even if our politicians don’t.
What can 9 out of 10 Americans agree on? Survey says: not much.
That’s partly because the big polls such as Pew, Gallup and the General Social Survey are designed to explore differences, not to document what unites the United States. Still, a few questions discover 90 percent agreement, or close to it.
 Americans nearly all:
—believe in God.
—are very patriotic.
—consider preventing terrorism a very important foreign policy goal.
—admire those who get rich by working hard.
—think society should ensure everyone has equal opportunity to succeed.
just a couple to let you know who's zoomin who.  see any common "VALUES" that are true and not just a wish list to deceive?