interested in knowing what he thinks war criminal Cheyney/ Bush and jail?
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal will use a Saturday speech to Virginia Republicans to suggest the IRS officials who targeted conservative political organizations for scrutiny be sent to prison.
“You cannot take the freedom of law-abiding Americans, whether you disagree with them or not, and keep your own freedom,” Jindal, a Republican, will tell delegates at the Virginia GOP convention, according to remarks shared with POLITICO. “When you do that, you go to jail.”Channeling the growing fury on the right over the IRS scandal, Jindal will call the matter “simply un-American.”Since last week’s disclosure that the tax agency singled out conservative-sounding organizations for extra scrutiny, Republicans have begun jockeying to express maximum outrage toward President Barack Obama’s administration. House Speaker John Boehner said, “My question is who’s going to jail over this scandal.”
oh the hypocrisy, when Bush ignored 911 warnings and resulted in thousands of lives were in the jacpot where were all these "the people want to know" persons, like they tell you what you want and think, guess they decided those lives didn't count but the four in Benghazi well thats the worse thing since watergate, which i might point out was their baby too, oh now it's on.
For potential 2016 White House hopefuls like Jindal, there’s obvious upside to raising the volume on the Obama-bashing rhetoric. It’s also smart politics for the Louisiana governor to remind the 10,000 or so hyper-engaged Republican activists who will convene in Richmond that, while willing to implore the GOP to stop being “the stupid party,” he’ll also take it to the Democrats just as fiercely.Along with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, another Republican eyeing the presidency, Jindal this week called for a special prosecutor to handle the IRS investigation.Such a probe, Jindal will argue Saturday, should
did he not get the email? no proof of Pres. involvement maybe he couldn't resist throwing in a little stupid party speak.
“go from the top down.”