Have you ever wondered how people like Michele Bachmann can exist? How is it that a person can be in the running for President of the United States and be so woefully uneducated as to believe that dinosaurs lived at the same time as man?Well wonder no more!
know it's not by random chance it's by right wing manipulation, since the 70's they have had a plan to control your political understanding.
the President they slobbered with praise yesterday was a further attempt to make you disbelieve your lying eyes and ears.
G W Bush, "you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on", you concentrate on one to understand their ways and habits for only one reason politically, manipulation.
Now, this is allegedly a test from a private religious school so they can teach whatever facts they want. If you need your students to be completely misinformed in order to keep them believing your mythology, that says more about you and your mythology than it does about the world.But it’s far, far worse than just teaching easily disproved misinformation; the school is also taking great pains to teach their students how not to think:
T-Party indoctrination summer camps for your kids, they claimed Pres. was indoctrinating white kids when he was meerly asking about their schooling advising them to stay.
their sumer camp teaches the usual right wing values sefishness, discrimination