Friday, April 26, 2013

The Bush presidency was just as bad as you remember

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the right wing smooze yesterday in Texas was rival only to Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, now if they only tried to hide that proverbial fence instead of white washing it, then we might in time just not think about the Bush years but never forgetting. 
then just a few hours later the sniping began firing shots from the Bushee's, over the bow of insincerity about the real 411 on Bush's legacy.  thank you!
they had to go out on top so they rewrote their own version and lavished praise where it was a foreigner.
IMO they just did not want the republican mantle tarnished, well break out a few thousand cases of Tarn-x, you really got a job to do
they forgot the cardinal rule of politics while speakig in public,
it's on video tape stupid, and this one is burned into our minds.  Bush said, " you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on" another mistake "we aren't the ones".