Unsurprisingly, for those of us who prefer science over ideology, a study has recently confirmed that global warming will increase the incidents of precipitation in the atmosphere, including rain and snow. I guess the winter storms Fox News has been using to try to disprove global warming don’t mean so much after all.
The study, conducted by NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center, shows that the warming of the oceans will cause more water to evaporate, and the warming of the air will allow the air to hold more water, thus increasing the potential for huge — and very wet — storms, including winter storms.
Think Progress reports:
A new study from NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center confirms what climate scientists have long been saying about climate change’s effect on the hydrological cycle.If you are not familiar with this term, you are certainly familiar with what it describes. As the sun warms the earth, water evaporates from oceans, lakes, and rivers, which then form clouds that produce rain and snow. More evaporation happens when the ocean and the air is warmer, which has been happening steadily for some time.
i was wondering if all science is fiction they are going to really have some splain' to do, when it hits the fan i vote for tar and fathers by their base.
this is a hoax their denial of science because it would lead to regulations by denying they can stave off those laws for a few years., with no regard for what can happen, blinded by the bucks they too will reap the harm of impending Global changes.
The NOAA study, published in Geophysical Research Letters, found that extreme precipitation events will become more intense this century as the globe continues to warm. Extra moisture expected from that warming will be the dominant factor fueling this increase in extreme precipitation, with a 20 to 30 percent more precipitation in the Northern Hemisphere by 2099.
of course these a-holes will be deasd and stinking by 99, but the bills they don't want to leave on the children which they did with wars and tax breaks, come to that pint where w live in a Amazon jungle ice age, so much for their kids.
Unfortunately, it's extremely unlikely that the study is going to help conservatives see the light any better. Conservative ideology has resulted in an inherent mistrust/dislike of science and the scientific community, leading conservative constituents honestly believing that the validity of a theory, whether scientific or otherwise (meaning both definitions of "theory"), depends on whether or not you believe it. That's not just a conservative problem; we have this idea as Americans, perhaps as people, that we need to "respect" someone else's opinion no matter what the facts say.
you can only keep your head buried in the sand until the sun brns your butt off. recognize the party of no will lead you to a death star of their own making used to call it earth.