Saturday, April 27, 2013

Rand Paul aims to go mainstream

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Almost from the moment Rand Paul was elected to the U.S. Senate, a team of advisers has been working over time to distance him from his father’s brand of unconventional politics — both in style and substance.
And they may be succeeding. GOP strategists say the junior senator from Kentucky has come a long way in shedding the eccentric label that dogged Ron Paul’s presidential efforts. Just last week, the younger man was dubbed one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people.
the man is a racist and a misogynistic bully, with no respect for Americans this is how i will always see him,
Still, these same Republican analysts who are watching Paul closely, say there’s still much work to be done if the younger Paul hopes to become a viable presidential contender in 2016. His confusing comments on drones this week is a perfect example of his rough edges — he said they’d be justified to kill someone who robbed a liquor store of $50, despite his 13-hour filibuster railing against drones striking on American soil (he said much the same thing then, but it didn’t get the same attention).
these politicians have taken over the mantel of shock jocks from the traditional radio land wingnuts, they are more profane and apathetic then their former counterparts,  even though they to date have all been rebuked we expect another one like whack a mole to pop up his ugly language demonetization women, men or children equal opportunity haters.
13 hours with help not by himself was just a show like all the other right wing endeavors Romney NAACP,   Rand Paul at Howard univ., all attempting to school Black people on Black people.