Wednesday, April 10, 2013

‘Obama phones’ subsidy program draws new scrutiny on the Hill

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another right wing lie bites the dust and chokes.
When someone in the Washington area begins to type the president’s last name into the search box of Google’s home page, the top three terms it suggests as the most popular selections are Obama,Obamacare and . . . Obama phone.
Obama phone? A hotline, maybe, to the Oval Office?
Hardly. “Obama phone” is the widely used — and misleading — nickname of a 28-year-old federal program known as Lifeline. It provides discounts, averaging $9.25 a month, on phone service for 13.3 million low-income subscribers. 
anybody remember the Pres. being in politics 28 years ago where he could have put this into law?
In the 31 / years after false rumors started that the Obama administration was giving free cellphones to poor people — and six months after a racially charged video about it went viral — a once-obscure phone service subsidy is getting renewed scrutiny on Capitol Hill.
There are growing calls in Congress to end or drastically cut back Lifeline; later this month, the House Energy and Commerce Committee will hold a hearing that could help determine its fate.
another thing the republicans have taken from you, but rest assured that the million/billionaires and Exxon-Mobil are well and even richer the phone money they stopped probaly goes to those tax cuts for the rich, pissed yet?
and now for the total exposure of either right wing lies to you or right wing never read or remembered the law and where it really started and who started it, covenient when you are trying to mislead the masses.
Lifeline was begun not by President Obama but under Ronald Reagan. It expanded to include cellphone service during the presidency of another Republican, George W. Bush.