Friday, April 12, 2013

North Korea: John Kerry warns country not to test missile

Article PhotoSEOUL, South Korea (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State Jo
hn Kerry delivered a stark warning to North Korea on Friday not to test-fire a mid-range missile, while rejecting a new U.S. intelligence report suggesting significant progress in the communist regime’s nuclear weapons program.
Kicking off four days of talks in an East Asia beset by increasing North Korean threats, Kerry told reporters in Seoul that Pyongyang and its enigmatic young leader would only increase their isolation if they launched the missile that American officials believe has a range of some 2,500 miles — or enough to reach the U.S. territory of Guam.
“If Kim Jong Un decides to launch a missile, whether it’s across the Sea of Japan or some other direction, he will be choosing willfully to ignore the entire international community,” Kerry told reporters. “And it will be a provocation and unwanted act that will raise people’s temperatures.”
Kerry said the test would be a “huge mistake” for Kim.
“It will further isolate his country and further isolate his people who are desperate for food and not missile launches,” he warned. “They are desperate for opportunity and not for a leader to flex his muscles.”
i don't see N. Korea being receptive to wolf tickets, i think it would possibly drive them to show nobody dictates to them.  launching any way, after all this has just happened they were warned and did it anyway, so why would this be any different?
Kerry offered strong words of solidarity for South Korea, praising Park's "bright vision" of a prosperous and reunified Korean Peninsula without nuclear weapons. By contrast, he said North Korea's Kim, by estimates only 29 or 30 years old, has a choice to make between provocation and returning to talks to de-escalate tension and lead to the end of its nuclear program.
"It's up to Kim Jong Un what he decides to do," Kerry said.
A missile launch, he said, "is not going to change our current position which is very clear: We will defend our allies. We will stand with South Korea and Japan against these threats. And we will defend ourselves."
Speaking beside Kerry, South Korea's Yun called for more United Nations action against Pyongyang if it commits another provocation.
don't know about dear leader jr. being crazy i kinda don't think so, however i do think from a centuries old honor and saving face could invoke is initiation to that which we don't want to happen,
tradition can make you go against self preservation, even if there is no one left to sing your praises and martyrdom.
it's only up to jr. if all other avenues have been tried and he still wants what he wants.