President Obama's labor allies are unhappy about cuts to entitlements and benefits that are expected to be proposed by the administration in its forthcoming budget.
In an email entitled "Obama's really bad idea," the AFL-CIO's policy director Damon Silvers blasted the leaked details of cuts to Social Security asking labor activists to "make some noise about it."Obama's draft budget is expected to include a new way of calculating inflation increases that would result in slower cost of living benefit increases for Americans receiving government benefits.The change — called "chained CPI" — has labor, liberal activists and advocates for older Americans fuming."It is unconscionable to ask seniors, people with disabilities and veterans who are barely making it to be squeezed even tighter at a time when corporations and the wealthiest 2% are not paying their fair share of taxes, despite soaring profits," Silvers writes. "It’s bad policy to make cuts that will weaken our economic recovery."
we have to realize what might be taken away from us can help assure those behind us have a little too, any other stance is right wing selfishness. i feel i can speak because i am a senior and i live on the Veteran pension, i will be affected too, but i think it only right that we don't get that steak one night so our children can get to have that choice themselves.
The White House said that tinkering with the formula was not Obama's "ideal" policy, but that it was offered in the spirit of compromise — given GOP interest in slowing the growth of entitlements and cutting spending.
it can't be done by him alone it is a check and balance system or it was gerrymandering killed that idea of the founding guys, only recourse is us voting may seem useless with right wing skulduggery, but it's not where there is a will there is a way, next opportunity 2014, how serious are you?