It is a shopworn technique of hard-line conservatives to declare themselves men and women of principle in contrast to those other Republicans — the ones, you know, who pass legislation and try to represent their constituents.
It is both self-serving (presuming principles are of no matter to opponents) and lazy in that it is always easy to say no, ridicule compromise and remain pristine rather than trying to improve legislation or introduce an alternative.I’m sorry to say Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) is too often falling into the reflexive habit of voting no on everything and then mocking his colleagues.
has the golden boys layer been revealed as thin gold plated tin? if he gets this off track in the preliminary time think how ape crap he'll be if he ever made the step up.
one thing about rising stars they always come back to the starting line.
The latest example comes from his talk to the conservative group FreedomWorks in Texas:
We've had probably five or six lunches with a bunch of Republican senators standing up and looking at Rand and Mike and me and yelling at the top of their lungs — I mean really . . . And they said: 'Why did you do this? As a result of what you did, when I go home, my constituents are yelling at me that I've got to stand on principle.' I'm not making that up. I don't even bother to argue with them. I just sort of let them yell. . . . They said: 'Listen, before you did this, the politics of it were great. The Democrats were the bad guys. The Republicans were the good guys. Now we all look like a bunch of squishes. Well there is an alternative. You could just not be a bunch of squishes."
getting to big for your britches only leaves you embarrassed when they fall around your knees. the trouble with him was to many early attaboys, he needs to know even with a thousand attaboys it only takes one aw crap to bring you back to realization that your breath stinks in the morning too, especially after a night of spewing garbage.