After 11 years of war, $664 billion expended so far, 2,210 Americans dead, more than 35,000 of our troops maimed and shattered, and our good reputation spent – what have we built in Afghanistan?According to a top international law enforcement official, you and I have built "The world's first true narco-state." Congratulations! "The opium trade," he added, "is a much bigger part of the [Afghan] economy already than narcotics ever were in Bolivia or Columbia."You might recall that under both George W's and Obama's war strategies, eliminating Afghanistan's poppy production was one of America's chief goals, for that crop generated billions of dollars in annual income for the Taliban insurgency we're fighting, even as it fueled drug addiction here and around the world. So to combat the drug trade, the US has: (1) destroyed thousands of acres of opium poppies, (2) tried to shift the country's impoverished farmers to wheat and other alternative crops, and (3) paid million-dollar "Good Performers" awards to provinces that achieved the coveted poppy-free status.
if you pull the stinger out of a scorpion will he still try to sting you? i remember in the beginning that this was a futile attempt, i've never been a fan of trying to replace centuries of tradition with a couple of century of what is now a dysfunctional plan called democracy.
how do you convince people to accept a way of life they perfected with the copy that is a failure and contradiction to who you say you are.
i wrote this on this blog a couple of years ago, it ask how can you teach those who you adopted from what you are trying to teach?
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Hello, just thinking middle east men notorious for lack of women's rights, hmmmm republicans notorious for trying to take women's rights, right to choose,equal pay,denigrate them in porn showing full body, wonder why men don't "a little shy maybe" or fear of being laughed at can't really condemn them when you are so similar? TAKE A STROLL THROUGH YOUR MIND, YOU'LL BE SURPRISED AT WHAT YOU MAY FIND, (courtesy of the Temptations) but oh so true
Posted by nick johnson at 7:51 AM