Saturday, February 16, 2013

White House unveils awaited Affordable Care Act profit margin rule

A proposed federal rule to cap profit margins for certain health insurance plans and prescription drug benefit programs is now available for review. 
The latest in a raft of rules required by President Obama’s landmark healthcare law, the proposed rule was drafted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and sent to Pennsylvania Avenue on Thursday.
 The White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) is moving quickly to issue the proposal, which will hit the Federal Register on Tuesday. That begins a 60-day comment period. CMS will consider all comments before finalizing the rule. 
The 116-page proposed rule can be read here. The rule is considered economically significant, meaning it carries an economic impact of more than $100 million.
will republicans whine again and ask if we expect them to read this 116 pages hell yes we do, it's their job they could at least fake doing it instead of cashing our checks and sticking their middle finger in our eyes.
While the cap is reasonably set in stone, insurers are waiting to see which expenses can be considered medical. 
 “What will fall into quality care and what will fall into expenses and overhead is very important,” Guy said. “There is substantial room for difference of opinion."
Medicare Advantage plans primarily deliver care to the elderly and disabled, populations that carry higher health risks. As such, they are adept at working under narrow profit margins, Guy said. He predicted that plans would serve as a "mini-lab," as they look for ways to remain profitable under the new caps and could serve as a model for the rest of the health insurance industry, even though their rules will take effect relatively late in the game. 
room for difference of opinion means,  "we will fight this"  republican support is on their side, Pres. is on ours, 2012 showed us this can be a level playing field that we can win 2016 as well.