The illusion of a coherent organization for the Republican Party has been dispelling as of late. The out-and-out Republican Civil War continues to escalate. Despite the warnings, both sides seem intent on victory being the only option. They don’t care what they have to lose in the process, victory is all that matters. Even the GOP’s leadership is resigned to a Tea Party split. But the problem is, the Tea Party is not splitting off into its own entity, they are aiming for nothing but an absolute takeover of the Republican Party itself.In a pamphlet sent out by the Tea Party Patriots, Co-Founder and National Coordinator Jenny Beth Martin makes it clear the organizations intentions. Quoting from the pamphlet:If we can raise this money we will be able to go toe-to-toe with the big spenders in bothpolitical parties and stop the Obama agenda in its tracks.
i've witten before about the T-P's mad love for all things Nazi, when you get on their crap list you are automatically framed in the image of Hitler and swaztikas, who does that make the real guilty one? he who knows none suspects none, but when you suspect at every turn your knowledge is more then you might care to admit.
Jindal was right too bad they'll ignore the obvious, they are the party of profuse stupidity.