Thursday, February 14, 2013

Marco Rubio's little sip turns into a big gulp Read more:
Marco Rubio fell into the orchestra pit this week.
This sometimes happens to politicians and performers. Who often are the same people.
The orchestra pit metaphor comes from Roger Ailes. I interviewed him years ago when he was George H.W. Bush’s media wizard and not yet head of the Fox News Channel.
The 1988 Bush-Michael Dukakis presidential race had been marked by extremely negative campaigning. Ailes claimed this was largely the fault of the press and its obsession with the negative.
“A guy plays a wonderful symphony and at the end he falls in the orchestra pit,” Ailes said. “Him falling in the pit will be the story.”
“The press is part of the negative process they attack,” he went on. “Is Ailes negative? Go read the headlines and you’ll see who’s really negative. I knew I could always get a headline if I went negative.”
Rubio glanced quickly at the 8-ounce bottle of Poland Spring water, grabbed it and then looked back at the camera. He took a slug, and then, while still maintaining eye contact with the audience, he leaned back over to replace the bottle, glancing away momentarily to make sure he was putting the bottle on the table.
It took only a few seconds, but it was a peculiar few seconds. Usually, we expect our politicians to act peculiarly only when they are off-camera.

Was this a supremely trivial event? Absolutely.
But it became Rubio’s “Big Gulp” moment.
Twitter lit up with jokes and comments, various people began tweeting from the point of view of the water bottle and almost immediately one could see the gulp replayed in slow motion, stop-action, and with running commentary. There was even a clip in which you could hear Wolf Blitzer say “uh-oh” as Rubio took the swig heard round the world.
Rubio tried to take some of the embarrassment away by tweeting his own picture of the water bottle. But the next day, the story grew, of course.

out of desperation i think the right wing in such a hurry to get back their gov't tend to put their least ready for prime time players out there and it never fails to entertain remember the primary?

Wednesday, Rubio went on ABC’s “Good Morning America” and told George Stephanopoulos, “I needed water, what am I going to do?” Then Rubio took out a bottle of water and drank from it. “God has a funny way of reminding us we’re human,” he said.
And maybe it was, as Rubio apparently believes, a religious moment.
do we have another republican invoking some kind of knowledge and understanding of divine intervention and what God tells the rest of us involving their political endeavors?