Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Eric Cantor's Bold New Vision for America: No Medical Device Tax

Eric Cantor built up big expectations for his speech this afternoon at the American Enterprise Institute. Monday’sWall Street Journal gave it a breathless preview under the headline, “A GOP Leader Aims to Change Party’s Message”: 
“Mr. Cantor plans to talk about a range of areas—from education to medical research to job training, as well as an overhaul of the tax code—in the context of how Republican ideas could benefit families across the nation, a top aide to the majority leader said.” This morning, it wasPolitico’s turn to give a drum roll for what it called “Cantor 4.0”: “House Republicans haven’t settled on an agenda yet, but Majority Leader Eric Cantor is ready to re-brand the party.” 
re-branding is nothing more then covering up your original position and trying to mislead what lies beneath, your real manifesto.
What grand ideas would be unveiled to get Cantor’s party out of its current rut and, more specifically, “benefit families across the nation”?  
Cutting the medical device tax. 
Ah, yes, the medical device tax. You may in fact have heard this one before. The new tax on medical devices was part of the Affordable Care Act—the thinking was that since the law would bring in so many more customers for the health care industry, each sector (insurers, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, and yes, device-makers) would kick in for part of the cost of expanding coverage.
plagiarizing the Pres.'s plan and passing it off as your GOP grand old party's "bold and new" idea.
Republicans opposed to Obamacare but also Democrats from states where device-makers cluster, including Minnesota's Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken, and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. Leading the charge on this push? Former Democratic Senator Evan Bayh. He’s now lobbying for the device-makers at McGuire Woods, the big D.C. firm that just happens to be Eric Cantor’s 7th biggest campaign donor.
corruption in the form of conflict of interest maybe for us but no conflict for Cantor and the gang, they live to serve big business even though taking a vow to serve "we the people" 2014 keep it in mind.