The inauguration of a president is a major event, both globally and nationally. Media of every kind is saturated with its coverage; magazines, newspapers, blogs and websites feature the story in BOLD headlines and above-the-fold larger-than-usual images as a nod to the true sense of grand history playing out. It’s BIG NEWS, preempting regular programming everywhere and offering minute-by-minute coverage of the day’s events on every website, cable news network, radio talk show … everywhere. Because the inauguration of the President is a reverent, historical moment for every citizen living in the proud, democratic country of the United States of America.Right?Well, if you tend to get your news and commentary exclusively from right wing media, it’s likely you wouldn’t have even known anything unusual was going on today. It appears that in keeping with their goal to not only manipulate the news (i.e., the 2012 Election) but pretend news isn’t news unless it’s news they agree with or promotes their agenda, the inauguration was a literal “non-item” on most higher-profile right wing blogs and websites. Which might explain why Fox viewers, for example, are less informed than people who watch no news at all. But regardless of media manipulation, can the right wing media really believe they’re doing their viewers a favor by simply not reporting major news events?
pretending to close their eyes and do that Obama who? thing only points out the juvenile playground antics of the congress, they make claims of Pres. not being an adult but media shows it's them dyslexia at that level should signal to remove those suffering from it from office.
whats next running through the capitol with their hands over their ears screaming when ever the progressive pov is given?
Joel B. Pollack @ Breitbart “Second Inaugural Address: Obama Declares War On Liberty As We Know It”
Sounding the same themes of class warfare that propelled his re-election campaign, President Barack Obama devoted his second inaugural address to laying out his second term agenda: a struggle to undo the seeming injustices of America’s past, and to overcome the army of straw men that stand in opposition to progress. In the process, President Obama attempted nothing less than an assault on the timeless notion of liberty itself.Okay, that’s about what you’d expect from a Breitbart writer. At least he wrote something.
i'm not going to try and list his 4 years of accomplishments too long but the republican list "NOTHING".
not even their number one job, he's bacccccck.