In the wake of the Sandy Hook murders, one Michigan K-through-8 school decided they needed better security. So how's that been working out?
Just days after calling its newly hired armed security guard "a tremendous asset to the safety of our students," a Michigan school released a statement saying the retired firearms instructor had caused a "breach in security protocol" by leaving his handgun unattended in the school's bathroom. […] The school, which serves grades K through 8, insists that no students were in danger, and vowed to "continue to work on improving school security."if it weren't so dangerously inept and defeating the irresponseable intent one might find it a "where's the NRA now?" not a good start for something the fanatics are pushing on the people not to protect the kids but to trn a buck and up their power position. recognize
that gun at that moment became up for grabs, maybe to another crazed killer.hey don't account for the human factor, just promote the guns.